
Law Office is representing numerous legal and physical persons, providing them a legal help and support.

The Attorney has her permanent clients based on the Contracts about providing a legal support – they are legal persons with their registered headquarters in Tuzla Canton. The Attorney is providing them all necessary attorney’s services, supporting their business activities with legal advices, with help in making business deals and agreements, and representing them in front of authorised Organs and Institutions, and representing in all kind of court, administrative, misdemeanour and the other procedures.

As for the legal persons without permanent contract about providing a legal support, the Attorney provides them legal services in certain procedures in front of authorised Institutions and Courts, in accordance with client’s needs. The Attorney takes part in processes of concluding certain legal affairs, makes necessary checks and collect the documentation, all in scope of given authorisation.

In this way the Attorney is representing several legal persons in Tuzla Canton, but also some legal persons with registered head offices in the other parts of Bosnia – in Sarajevo, in Trebinje, and some legal persons from Croatia, Austria, Turkey, Great Britain – most often in procedures related to Business and Obligations Law, protection of the ownership rights, and the other legal branches, depend on concrete protection of clients’ interests.

In scope of providing legal help and support to physical persons, the Attorney provides legal services to huge number of clients from all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, most often related to violations of labour Law, and to ownership rights and protection of debtor-creditor relationships. There are often several ways of protection after damages occur – like injuries at work and consequences of traffic or the other accidents. In such cases the Attorney acquires all necessary legal documentation, provide legal advices and perform all legal activities in order to completely protect client’s interest. The Attorney is providing legal help and support in area of Family Law as well, both through advising and by representing in adequate procedures of divorcing, assigning the children to one of the parents, fixing the amount of the alimony and dividing of marital estate.